Basic Support for Examination Software

Basic Support for Examination Software

Law School Tech Support Guidelines During Exams:

Technology support for students during the exam period is limited to Basic Support, with the goal of getting a student's computer to boot into SofTest. Spending more time with one student during the 20-minute support window results in less time with another student, so the guidelines listed below need to be followed.

Please understand that the only entity qualified to provide opinions about SofTest are the support people of ExamSoft, Inc. Please direct students who have SofTest specific problems to the ExamSoft support email and toll-free number as listed on the Registrar's web site.

Below are the guidelines Law School tech support personnel are instructed to follow:

These guidelines have been developed in conjunction with the Registrar's Office.

  1. If you can look at a student computer and see the solution to the problem and there's time to resolve the issue, then help them fix it.
  2. If you cannot see the solution, and decide you'll need to perform more advanced tech support to figure out what the problem is, then decide:
    1. Do other students in the room need my help?
    2. If YES, then tell student they need to Write Exam.
  3. If exam is not downloaded: Write Exam.
    1. Remind student they can try to download it before the exam.
  4. If machine doesn't reboot, attempt basic troubleshooting.
    1. Can't fix it? Student must Write Exam.
  1. We do not provide support during exam breaks.
  1. Help those students who need it connect wirelessly to upload exam.
  2. If no connectivity, get flash drive from Proctor.
  3. If computer is critically broken after exam (won't boot):
    1. Notify Proctor, attempt extended troubleshooting.
    2. If student has more exams, send them to Student Affairs for inquiry about Loaner Laptop availability.
    3. Notify OTR about increasing exam download limit.
  4. If student had problem during exam, have them contact ExamSoft, Inc.

Proctor Code:

If for any reason SofTest asks for a Proctor Code, the student is instructed to STOP, DROP & WRITE.