Zoom AI Companion

Zoom has an AI Companion which can be enabled on LMU Zoom Accounts. Some of its features include the ability to:

  • Process recording with highlights and chapters;
  • Summarize a chat thread;
  • Provide meeting summaries without the need to record the meeting;
  • Answer questions about a meeting in progress;
  • Provide a way to get caught up if you missed part of the meeting.

As a reminder, Zoom does not use any of your audio, video, chat, screen-sharing, attachments, or other communications like customer content (such as poll results, whiteboard, and reactions) to train Zoom’s or third-party artificial intelligence models.

The utilize this functionality, the Zoom AI Companion: 

  • Must be activated on the account of the meeting host (see directions below);
  • Needs to be turned on by the host for each meeting;
  • Will notify meeting attendees whenever the AI companion is enabled.

Activate Zoom AI Companion

These features are off by default, and can be activated with the following steps:

  • Launch Zoom Portal at zoom.lmu.edu
  • Choose "Settings" from the left hand navigation
  • Select the "AI Companion" tab
  • Choose the features you would like to enable


For more information about Zoom's AI Companion: 

Please contact servicedesk@lmu.edu or servicedesk@lls.edu with any questions.