Secure and Robust Environment

Goal #6 - Secure and Robust Environment

Deliver a robust, secure, and resilient technology environment.


Each goal is defined and accompanied by specific initiatives that either maintain (Run), expand upon (Grow), or completely rethink (Transform) the current ITS approach. In addition, each goal has metrics that are key indicators of movement towards that goal.

To learn more about what we have accomplished, click the drop-down arrow for each initiative.

    • Began migration to WiFi6, about 50% complete
    • Adopted new tools to facilitate transformation to SDN
    • Created new portal to allow students to manage their own devices
    • WiFi6
    • Migration to fully digital and redundant telephone service completed
    • Deployed new mobile tools (Jabber)
    • Continued migrating to single-mode fiber
    • Continued moving forward with fiber loop
    • Built new Test/Dev/Prod environments in AWS, with automation and security as key components
    • Duo for students, this greatly enhances our account security, especially for students.